And of course, there’s r/politics, which has a whopping 5.3 million members and skews to the left of center, though not by as much as most right-wing community members would lead you to think. The above information (and a little trial-and-error) are enough to get almost anyone going on Reddit, but the site goes way deeper than that. The site is composed of hundreds of subcommunities, known as subreddits. Each subreddit has a specific topic, such as technology, politics or music. Reddit’s homepage, or the front page, as it is often called, is composed of the most popular posts from each default subreddit. The default list is predetermined and includes subreddits such as “pics,” “funny,” “videos,” “news” and “gaming.”
There might be more to the story, though, than just natural organic growth of a popular platform. Perhaps it’s worth remembering that old diagnostic value of adenosine deaminase in nontuberculous lymphocytic pleural effusions internet adage — if you’re not a paying customer, you are the customer. Users can “upvote” or “downvote” posts in a subreddit based on how much they like or dislike them. Though most people take this to mean whatever petty whim suits them at the moment.
What are subreddits?
This was before the mass proliferation of smartphones and mobile applications, and Graham was skeptical about the idea. However, he liked Huffman and Ohanian and took them on at his start-up accelerator Y Combinator. Graham suggested the pair pursue what would become Reddit, directing them to look at sites such as Delicious and Slashdot, where users aggregated links to other sites. Hot is the default and shows posts/comments with a lot of recent activity.
How to use Reddit karma
Click the Save button on any post or comment to keep it for later. Click Profile under your username at the top-right to get access to all your interaction history, including saved content. You can click inside the Create Post bar at the top of Reddit, or click the Plus button on the top toolbar, to submit content anytime. If you click this when you’re viewing a subreddit, you can submit to that page without having to select it from a list.
- Once that’s complete, you’ll be greeted with a customized, scrollable page populated with posts from subreddits related to the interests you’ve chosen.
- Upgrade your lifestyleDigital Trends helps readers keep tabs on the fast-paced world of tech with all the latest news, fun product reviews, insightful editorials, and one-of-a-kind sneak peeks.
- The comment with the highest number of votes sits at the top of the comment section and is referred to as the top comment.
- The best content rises to the top, while downvoted content becomes less visible.
- Reddit isn’t just a platform for solitary browsing; it’s a community.
In December 2023, Reddit had an average of more than 35 million search queries a day on the platform. Around 2.84 billion comments and interactions were posted on Reddit in 2023. That’s a slight decrease from 2.86 billion user interactions in 2022. Around 572.5 million of Reddit unique visitors were from the US in February, accounting for 47.7% of all monthly unique visitors.
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It works like a newspaper, but is run by users who are entitled to their own opinions. Reddit is a huge site, but Types of economic indicators it’s divided into thousands of smaller communities called subreddits. Each one starts with, such as In most cases, subreddits have their own look, rules, and expectations.
But users tend to use the up arrow as an “I agree” button instead. This means that interesting, informative content that doesn’t fit in with the hive-mind’s opinion will generally be down-voted and hidden in larger subreddits. On the bottom left corner of each piece of content on Reddit, whether it’s something posted to the site or a comment on a post, you’ll see an up arrow and a down arrow. This is where users indicate how they feel, or what they think about this content, and it determines the content’s placement on subreddits and affects the posters karma. All subreddit URLs begin with a lowercase “r” followed by a slash, then the name of the subreddit.
Additional Details
If this is driving you to launch a Reddit marketing strategy, know that recent Reddit statistics show that weekdays and Mondays are the best time to post on the site. You should also consider keeping your post titles to between 20 and 80 words, as these have more potential to perform better. Another way to support the community is by purchasing Reddit Premium, the site’s membership program. For $6 a month, Premium users don’t see ads and it gives you access to r/lounge, a super-secret subreddit where the brightest minds on Reddit assemble to engage in witty banter (or something), along with other benefits. Premium membership also comes with a regular supply of Coins to spend on Awards. You don’t need to buy Reddit Premium to have fun on Reddit, but it’s a way to support the site, get some devops engineer job at picnic in amsterdam perks, and be invested in the community.